AMA Precast
Over the last four years AMA Precast has grown to become one of the largest Precast Concrete Manufacturers in Melbourne, increasing production and turnover by over 50%. A big part of our success has been the intimate support of the de Kretser team.
Having a background in accounting myself, I knew the importance of having a solid and reliable accountant that we could rely on when we are faced with numerous issues and decisions. To assist us in achieving our financial goals we wanted an accountant that understands our business and is quick to respond with advice. We had dealt with larger accountancy practices in the past and found the downside was a hierarchy whereby the person working on your account has little idea about the actual business.
The de Kretser team makes it their business to understand our business and in turn provide us with the professional advice we need in order to operate our business successfully.
Andrew McLoughlin, Finance Director
AMA Precast

Grossi Restaurants
Grossi Restaurants are a generational family business who has grown from a small local business to a national empire. de Kretser Chartered Accountants have been a big part of our ongoing success since the beginning, the team has supported us with professional, practical, and personalised solutions in accountancy for over 3 decades.
With de Kretser under pinning the financial side of the business we can concentrate on what we do best and deliver our famous food and impeccable service.
We're thrilled to be a part of the de Kretser Chartered Accountants family, their family values love of food and understanding of hospitality industry aligns perfectly with Grossi values.
Guy Grossi, CEO
Grossi Restaurants

Premier Financial Advocates
We have been dealing with Atisa and her team for the past few years. They are a high calibre Chartered Accountants with extensive industry knowledge.
As a mortgage broker all of my interaction with clients are with those making financial decisions, and it surprises me how many people don’t have a relationship with an accountant.
Working in finance has given me the advantage of understanding why everyone should have a good accountant which is why we direct our clients to de Kretser Chartered Accountants. It’s not always simple referring clients as you want to ensure they’re as well looked after as they are by our business. We know the team at de Kretser Chartered Accountants offer the same hands-on boutique service we offer, and we have shared client first values so it’s a seamless transition.
Sadish Visvalingam, Senior Advisor
Premier Financial Advocates

ENGAGE at Disegno
de Krester Chartered Accountants are more than just the people who do my tax returns, they’re part of my business which also straddles my personal finance.
I’d had good accountants in the past however de Kretser is next level, they’re brilliant! They perform the CFO function in my business which is not something I require full time so having them on call when needed has been a godsend. From purchasing a new car to working on joint venture contracts, I don’t make any financial decisions without consulting them first.
They’re able to talk me through things in layman’s terms and have educated me on many valuable finance processes which have been paramount to helping me build a financially successful business. I love our interactions, the customer service from everyone in the team is top notch, I always walk away feeling really positive and well looked after.
TJ Carroll, Director
ENGAGE at Disegno